Week 2 Blog 2


The End of part 1...

   Around 12 pm I started to read...

    I started to read The 57 Bus and throughout the chapter, I learned a lot I wasn't expecting that but I did. I learned that there are many gender terms and what you should call them by.

How do you know what gender you are?

    When I was reading this Sasha seemed confused about what to identify herself and if gender really matters and people shouldn't judge others. At first, I was kinda confused if she was a girl or a boy because I didn't see any she/he or her/him. But when she asked a question "I don't know if this is rude or not, but I was wondering how you realized you were a guy." This is when Sasha was confused about gender. 

Gender, Sex, Sexuality, Romance, Some Terms;

    I learned a lot while reading this part like the different terms. When I was reading I dint know that there were a lot of terms and if they're interested in people or not. Or are only interested in sex. I have some friends who are Bi, trans, homosexual, and pansexual. And some of my friends have felt like the world doesn't accept them and would make fun of them.  Two of my friends were bullied because of this one of them had to leave school and the other was picked on out of school during a festival. I remember one time when we're in the gym locker a girl asked her "Wait your a girl I thought you were a girl why are you here?" She felt really uncomfortable and the other girl wouldn't stop, of course, I defended my friend and told her to stop because she was making faces. But yeah I get Sasha and her friends.


Agender/neutrois- Doesn't identify any gender

Androgynous- Identify as a third gender that blends male and female characteristics.

Bigender/gender fluid- Sometimes identifies as male and sometimes as female.

Cis/cisgender- The opposite of transgender; gender matches their birth sex.

Gender questioning- Is unsure about where they belong on the gender spectrum.

Genderqueer/nonbinary- Gender identity doesn't fit neatly into male/female categories.

Intersex- Born with sexual autonomy, organs, or chromosomes that don't seem to fit the typical definitions of female or male. Replaces the outdated and offensive term hermaphrodite. 

Trans/trasgender- Feels their gender is different from their birth sex, whether or not they have physically changed their body or outward presentation. A transgender man is someone who currently identifies as male. A transgender woman is someone who currently identifies as female.

Becoming Sasha & Bathroom

    When I read becoming Sasha that's when Sasha declared they are agender and they don't identify any gender. But the bathrooms chapter kinda made me sad when they went to the gas station they realized that there isn't a bathroom for their self so they decided to not use the bathroom. But this also made me realized that Sasha has friends and they really care about Sasha. 

Other chapters:

     one of the chapter it explained that Sasha decided to wear skirts and they don't care what other people say. But when an old woman came up to them she asked them "why are you wearing a skirt your and they're only meant for girls." Sasha was really mad about it and defended themself. Debbie was really worried about Sasha she would always ask are you ok. Another thing is that I felt really proud about Sash when they made a petition and that they should be accepted there were 227 million signatures and spreading it. 

What I think so far...

     I like it so far I like how they first introduced Sasha then going to introduce Richard next in part 2. I thought that was really clever. It was really interesting reading part 1 I learned a lot about Sasha and different terms about gender. I'm really anxious when I'm reading I keep waiting when the fire will happen and what will happen to Sasha...
