week 3 Blog 3

The Fire on the 57 Bus in Oakland - The New York Times

Richard; part 2

What I
think about Richard...

When I was reading about Richard I thought that he was interesting and very quirky. He was one of those friends that would be loyal to them and make them laugh but wouldn't care if they got in trouble. I thought that he was very understanding and a good person. I could somewhat relate to him I kinda live in a bad neighborhood and I really want to move so bad but we cant cause we haven't completed the payment of the house yet. Around my neighborhood, there have been shootings, really bad car crashes, and many other incidents. But one main reason is that they broke into my house two times and robed a bunch of stuff from us the first time the police didn't believe us so they didn't give us any money but the second time they did I was in elementary when this happened. But what I really like about Richard is that he asked Kaprice for help because he wanted to do better and wanted to succeed.

The daily life of Richard...

I learned a lot about Richard and the way he used to live. Like I said before he didn't live in a good neighborhood and there were a lot of young people dying and the crime rate would go up. They explained that there were a lot of gangster groups and a lot of shootings happening in the area. I think it's very sad that you people have died like around 15-18 years old and even a baby which is very sad. They also mentioned that two of his aunts died and that really affected him and his family. Another thing is that there were some people who were very racist around his area and wouldn't treat them well because they were African Americans. But at least he had people around him that cared for him like Kaprice and his friends...

So far what I think...

So far what I have been reading is really good and it explains a lot about his life and what he had to go through I still think that Sasha is more interesting but that's just my opinion. I am really excited for the next chapters I'm gonna read and keep getting surprised and emotional like always... I can't wait and scared at the same time...

