Week 4 Blog 4

 Richard; End of part 2...

                             Richard and Ms. Wilson...

     When I learned about Ms.Wilson I thought it was very interesting and very sad... sorry I'm very emotional when I read stuff like this... Anyways I really learned a lot about her and about other people who have to deal with this as well. And like I said before Richard lived-in a world where there were a bunch of gangsters and she also had to go through it. But she graduated from college and majored in education and ended up helping kids that aren't doing well in school. A little bit more about Ms. Wilson is that was born in East Oakland in, 1980s. I really do like her because she helps many teens who aren't doing well and are getting into fights or getting bad grades or just don't come to school. But something else is that she lets every single of her children call her mother except Richard she lets him call her auntie instead. Another interesting thing is that he asked her if he could e in her class! I was really surprised as well I was like "WHHHHHHHATTTTTT"! But other than that I really like MS. Wilson and she is a good person and I really like that she was helping Richard.
....This is me....

Richard and his Friends...                             

    Richard made some new friends in Ms. Willson's class they were all kinda in some trouble but they were all family to each other. And they would help each other no matter what. I can relate to this because my group of friends is very close and we help each other no matter what and we vent with each other. His friends would always say that he would always try to make people laugh and would befriend anyone! But the sad part is that his two friends got into a fight and Richard tried to stop them but he couldn't and it all got into a mess and then I was getting sad and mad at the same time!!!! They all went to jail and took some time to get out some had to wear ankle braces and be sent to another school so they were all separated. 
    But the saddest part that made my heart go crack...   Me and my feelings...

    So... the sad part is that he had a friend that died and that really broke him he got the news from his mom and he started crying while he was on the phone but he didn't say anything. They explained that he was older but they still would talk to him and make laughs with each other. Richard and Cherie started to feel guilt that if they didn't have that fight then their friend would have died. When I read that I really wanted to give them a hug and say that everything will be alright...

  My thoughts....                            

    Ok, I still really like the story and I finished part 2 and I'm going to read The Fire next and I'm scared cause I feel like I',m gonna dislike Richard and I don't want to do that because he sounds like a nice dude and I would be friends with him. But I am finally gonna know what's gonna happen on the bus... My heart is already in shambles (thanks Mr. Dolnick it's all your fault). Anyways I can't wait to read more! have a good day and stay safe!

