Week 5 blog 5

 The fire...

How it all started...

    I have it this far and I don't know what to feel. I finally know how it happens and how it affected many people. I did have a liking to Richard he seemed like a nice caring friend. There was a time that he wanted help and he did get help but then he just made the worst decision ever that would affect him and the people around him. But the one who was most affected was Sasha they had to go through it they had to suffer. Richard decided to do something because his friend was trying to make him do it he was daring him. This just shows that you should have friends that care about YOU and not make you do things that will get you into trouble. 

  • It was wrong of him to light Sasha's skirt and he knew that but he still decided to do that. The good thing is that he was honest and he confessed to the police but there was one problem is that he didn't tell the whole truth. I haven't finished all of yet (The fire part) but I do know that his friend and cousin (Lloyd and Junmel) should also take the consequences.
  • The sad part is that some people were just laughing at Sasha instead of helping Sasha but at least two men did what they could and saved her life. Sasha has a lot of family and friends who support Sasha.

What happened to Sasha...

    Right, when the ambulance came for Sasha they waited for Sasha's parents and immediately took them to the hospital where they treat burns. They informed them that Sasha had 3rd-degree burns. That would mean that the burn was deep and they had to do surgery. When the doctor examined Sasha's legs the color of the burns were purple, yellow, white, and black. They had to do surgery right away... 

What happened to Richard...

    Richard heard screams he heard Sasha's screams so he went back to see but then he left again. The next day the cops took him to question him. He wanted to talk to Ms. Wilson but it was too late he was already in cuffs. He already knew what was going to happen. Like I said he was honest but not too honest. Richard said that the only reason why he lit Sasha's skirt on fire because he was homophobic. I was mad but at the same time we live in a world where this is a problem and people do the unthinkable. 

And this where I left off...


I really love Sasha's friends they are very supportive and love Sasha very much! When I saw the texts from their phone, I was really happy because at least I know that there are people like that. I hope my friends will be like if something happens to me... (I'm annoying so I don't know). 

What I think so far...

I have mixed emotions I don't know how to feel I care about them both. It was very sad what happened to Sasha I still don't what's gonna happen to Sasha later, but I am guessing that Sasha is ok and is happy. I hope that Richard learned his lesson and will pay for it...

