Week 6 blog 6

 The 57 bus

The fire has gone out...

    I finished The Fire and I don't know what to feel... I have mixed emotions! I don't know if I should support Richard.. I know what he did was bad but he did admit that what he did was bad and that he will go to jail. But when I was reading there were comments. Comments that said bad things about him and his mom. One thing for sure is that Sasha was the victim and they had to go through it and they're the one in pain so I should be supporting them. I honestly don't know what I'm saying... 

   Richard goes to court...

    When I read the part when he was gonna be charged as an adult I thought that it was unfair. I mean yes he did do something really bad that hurt Sasha and their family but still I feel like they should've given years in prison. They did do that but I think that there are some cases like that where the criminal is a minor and is charged as an adult. Our law is something else I think they should change it up a little but I guess it really just depends on the situation and not the person. Another thing is that while he was waiting he wrote two-letter for Sasha and those two letters really did help him and for Sasha, it was good that he knew what he did wrong and that he wanted to apologize to Sasha in person.  

Sasha in the hospital...

    While reading it was really sad when they were talking about how Sasha has to into surgery and has to have a feeding tube. I relate to her parents in some ways. My niece has scoliosis she's seven and she's been having surgery basically since she was a baby. She has metal rods inside and every year they have to do surgery to stretch them. She is so strong I don't know how she can deal with the pain. But every single time I see her in that state I get emotional and cry because she like my child. I've been babysitting her since she was born I don't get paid for it but I have to do it because they're my niece and nephew and I love them so much they're so cute... sometimes. Anyway yeah, I'm very emotional and Sasha is a very strong person they still had the courage to go to school. Another good thing is that Sasha has a lot of people who care about them.

Skirts for Sasha...

    I think this was a good idea to do it was supporting Sasha and it showed that a lot of people care about her. It was good that they spread awareness through school and other places. Basically, everyone wore a skirt ever Sasha's friend who doesn't wear skirts wore one. Another thing that I would like to talk about is that all around the world supported them they would send them cards, flowers, toys, knitted stuff, handmade cards, and much other stuff. This really showed that it was spreading around and that people were supporting LGTBQ community. 

What I think...  

    Overall, I really like this book. I think that more people should read it because they will learn a lot. Furthermore, I have mixed emotions I don't what I should feel. I think that Richard is a good boy and he did something bad and wasn't thinking at all that's what teens do. But other than that I really do feel bad about Sasha and I'm happy that they're much better and they got back on their feet. I will finish it off with justice in the next blog...



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