Final week blog 8

 The 57 Bus...

    While reading I was noticing that the pages were getting less and lesser... I was impressed with myself because this is the first time I finished a book on time and I actually liked this book. 
    As I read more I was always thinking about Richard like what's gonna happen to him are they gonna give him life, 5 or 7 years of prison I was really nervous I don't know why though hahaha.

    It was good to hear that Sasha was doing ok and they got back on their feet and graduated high school!!! I was really happy because it showed that even though they went through this they still did what they wanted to do and that was to graduate and go to college.

Richards trial...

    When I was reading the part when they were trying to decide if they were gonna charge him as an adult, sentence him for life, sentence him for 5 or 7 years??? This really affected Richards's family especially his mom. I really felt bad because that her Holy son and they're gonna take him away from her and might not see him ever again!! Just thinking about makes me sad. 

    But I thought it was unfair, and a problem with the justice system. But, yes throughout time it has changed. I feel like the laws have changed with minors. The thing is that he didn't murder anybody he was just not thinking and doing something stupid that will affect his life. Even Sasha's family wanted him to not go to prison because they forgive him and so did Sasha.
    They were going back in fourths and I was kinda getting mad because this is a person's life and you just switching everything. I know this happened a long time ago but I'm glad that he had 5 years instead of 7 or for life. 

How things end...

    I was really happy with ending Richard got his life together. Sasha was attending college and they're all thinking about what they want to do. I hope Richard didn't get into any trouble after all of this happened. I really think that Sasha is strong and brave they achieved many things and went to their dream school. I really liked this book... I want to read more books like this...


