My thought's

 My thoughts...

    Sigh...I DID IT! This is my first time finishing a book on time! I really like the book I think that it gave a good message(There were many messages though) like don't criticized people, think first before you act, and know that everything that you decide to do will affect the people around you and you as well. Furthermore, I recommend The 57 Bus by Dashka Slater. 

    I like how they presented the book and the techniques they used like the messages, email, and the letters. They really thought everything through and did their research. Dashka Slater explained better than the news and articles which is very impressive. I liked how they introduced Richard and Sasha and the events. Especially the trial and fire.

    Another thing that I liked Is that they talked about everybody's perspective his family, Sasha's family, their friends, and the community. It really did show that this was a big impact for the LGTBQ community and for Sasha because it sparked many eyes and wanted to do something about it. When I started to read I became anxious because I was waiting for the fire and I think it was good how the transition by introducing them and then explain why he started and how he was feeling. The climax was really good (everything was good).

    I am very surprised that I didn't know about this! But it was probably because I was a child and I was being crazy at that time hahaha. But if I were to know about it when I was little I would've probably just support Sasha, and as for Richard because not many people know his side of the story. I feel like more people should read this and see what they think about all of this. And I would like to know how the Author feels if she has mixed emotions, one-sided, or neutral. I am honestly on both sides...

    Overall, I really think that this is a good book and that many people should read this and know what really happened and how everybody felt. I have mixed emotions and feel bad for both of them. But, I am very happy that they are doing well now and will accomplish many things. I hope that we get to read more books like this and will make my heart go crack... I rate it 5 stars!  

