Spotify Playlist

Spotify Playlist...

Hello, Beautiful people! For my project, I decided to do a Spotify playlist. It contains pop, "aesthetic music" pfff- I don't know what type of genre you would consider that..., anyways we have some slow songs, indie rock, and indie pop, and uh I think that's mostly it. I picked these songs cause I thought it will somewhat represent the book. Another thing.. you see I am not very active like I don't like to do stuff if that helps. I don't even have tick-tock. And I don't do what people do so yeah. I mostly like pop and some rock and other genres. I don't really like rap but I do like old school rap, R&B, hip-hop, and yeah. I hope you like my songs and listen to them... I hope you listen to the songs I pick when you are chilling!

1st song; In my Blood (Shawn Mendes)

    Ok, so I am a fan of Shawn. Not to brag or anything I have been a fan for 8 years and I've gone to all of his concerts that he has performed hereπŸ˜ƒ.   Anyways back to the book! I choose this song because it kinda represents Sasha at the beginning. They were confused about who they were if they were a girl or a boy. I think that this really was a difficult time for Sasha she had anxiety and was confused. And this song talks about anxiety. Sasha was very brave and still is, but at that time Sasha didn't know what to do, and that is why this song represents that. 

2nd Song; ok um... Another Shawn song hahaha... (Understand)

    I don't why but I feel like Shawn Mendes has a lot of songs that relate to other people (feelings). Like in this one it's talking about how they're scared because they are changing and they want to be better. I picked this song because I thought that this kinda represents Richard at the beginning. There was this time when Richard wasn't so proud of his self he wanted to change so he asked for help at his school. He tries his best to get good grades and not get in trouble. Another way this song represents the book is because it's talking about how life goes on. I feel like this song has a really deep message and kinda relates to the book and you should hear.  😌

3rd song; Thumbs (Sabrina Carpenter) 

    I think she is a good singer! Anyway, I chose this song because in Richard's part the author explains how there is a lot of bad things going on in the area where Richard lived. There were too many crime rates, murder crimes, gangster activity, stealing, etc., and how this really affected him. Like when he found out that his friend got shot and died, or some of his relatives dying because of car crashes or because they were shot. And in this song, it talks about how the world is messed up and no one doesn't really do nothing about it. You should listen to Thumbs!  

4th Song; They don't really care About Us (Michael Jackson)

I feel like everybody has heard this song so I don't really have to explain what the song is talking about. But I feel like this kinda relates to Sasha and how at that time people didn't really respect the LGTBQ communities. They didn't really talk about it and how they should help them and make new laws. I feel like everybody was scared because they didn't accept them and people would do cruel things. So I feel like this kinda represents that!

5th Song; Steven Universe theme song...πŸ‘‰πŸ‘ˆ

    First of it's a must-watch show! Secondly, because it's just a good song and has a good vibe. I picked this song because I felt like it kinda fit Sasha because when they were introducing Sasha it seemed like they were quirky and fun! And this song kinda represents that like when Sasha hangs out with their friends, or when they make up their own game. I mean I would want to be Sasha's friend...  

6th Song; Here comes a thought (Estelle & AJ Michalka)

So this song kinda talks about how you are just not thinking and you end up doing something you regret. This kinda reminded me of Richard because at that he wasn't thinking because a lot of bad stuff was happening to him. One of them was when he found out that his friend got murdered. And when he lit Sasha's skirt on fire he regretted he wasn't thinking and was not himself. And that why I think this song goes with him.

7th Song; Burned (Grace Vanderwaal) 

I mean it's in the name. This song is basically the book and Richard while he was doing something stupid. So yeah. Oh, and it kinda represents conflict like the uprising. I think that this is a good song though. It was my first time listening to it and I hope you will listen to it as well.

8th Song; Someday (Two Door Cinema Club)

Very very good song. I like their music and I hope you will like it as well. I picked this song because I felt like this is how Richard felt when he was caught and he didn't know what to do and was desperate. He was tired, hungry, and so lost and scared. And this song is talking about how there is no time and the world will end and for Richard that was probably how he was feeling.

9th Song; Mind in Prison (Alec Benjamin) 

    Ok, so whoooo. We are almost done... I chose this song because when Richard was in prison he had no hope at all. So he was having negative thoughts. And in the song, it talks about having negative thoughts and it felt they were in prison. And because of the name of the song, it's literally him in prison ._. so yeah.

10th song; If We Have Each other (Alec Benjamin)

    I chose this song because in the end Sasha and their family forgave Richard for what he has done to Sasha and to Sasha's Family. His mom was glad that they forgave him and that he won't go to prison for life or 7 years, instead of 5 years. This song talks about love but I feel like for the book it's a different kind of love.  


I put some more songs in the playlist but I put them because I felt like it kinda vibes with the book and the problem that they went through. Have a good day and I hope you like the songs that I put.

Playlist -> Magic School bus Playlist...



  1. Amy, I love your blog! All of your posts are great, but I especially like this one!!


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