
Showing posts from October, 2020

Week 2 Blog 2

  The End of part 1...    Around 12 pm I started to read...      I started to read The 57 Bus and throughout the chapter, I learned a lot I wasn't expecting that but I did. I learned that there are many gender terms and what you should call them by. How do you know what gender you are?     When I was reading this Sasha seemed confused about what to identify herself and if gender really matters and people shouldn't judge others. At first, I was kinda confused if she was a girl or a boy because I didn't see any she/he or her/him. But when she asked a question "I don't know if this is rude or not, but I was wondering how you realized you were a guy." This is when Sasha was confused about gender.  Gender, Sex, Sexuality, Romance, Some Terms;     I learned a lot while reading this part like the different terms. When I was reading I dint know that there were a lot of terms and if they're interested in people or not. Or are only interested in sex. I have some fri

Week 1 Blog 1

Morning 9:00am      When I was reading The 57 Bus, first of all, I really liked how it started off. It talks about what will happen, and when you continue to read the book you will be anxious or just waiting when it will happen. I really do like the suspense, and I can't wait to read more. Like what will happen to Richard and did he really do it or not...!? More Reading! (Oakland, Califonia) Pg. 6     While reading what I really liked is that the writer was kinda introducing people and being very descriptive, how they look, and what they're doing. Another thing is that they have Sasha's media, what her interests are, and who she is.       It was really interesting to learn that Sasha would write her own language and that she is really smart since she was a toddler. I find some of the people interesting and how theyre described (Sasha's friends). I really like comedy and I kinda relate to them... I have this group of friends who are kinda dorky and are just funny.