
Showing posts from November, 2020

Week 6 blog 6

  The 57 bus The fire has gone out...      I finished The Fire  and I don't know what to feel... I have mixed emotions! I don't know if I should support Richard.. I know what he did was bad but he did admit that what he did was bad and that he will go to jail. But when I was reading there were comments. Comments that said bad things about him and his mom. One thing for sure is that Sasha was the victim and they had to go through it and they're the one in pain so I should be supporting them. I honestly don't know what I'm saying...      Richard goes to court...      When I read the part when he was gonna be charged as an adult I thought that it was unfair. I mean yes he did do something really bad that hurt Sasha and their family but still I feel like they should've given years in prison. They did do that but I think that there are some cases like that where the criminal is a minor and is charged as an adult. Our law is something else I think they should change i

Week 5 blog 5

  The fire... How it all started...      I have it this far and I don't know what to feel. I finally know how it happens and how it affected many people. I did have a liking to Richard he seemed like a nice caring friend. There was a time that he wanted help and he did get help but then he just made the worst decision ever that would affect him and the people around him. But the one who was most affected was Sasha they had to go through it they had to suffer. Richard decided to do something because his friend was trying to make him do it he was daring him. This just shows that you should have friends that care about YOU and not make you do things that will get you into trouble.  It was wrong of him to light Sasha's skirt and he knew that but he still decided to do that. The good thing is that he was honest and he confessed to the police but there was one problem is that he didn't tell the whole truth. I haven't finished all of yet (The fire part) but I do know that his

Week 4 Blog 4

  Richard; End of part 2...                              Richard and Ms. Wilson...        When I learned about Ms.Wilson I thought it was very interesting and very sad... sorry I'm very emotional when I read stuff like this... Anyways I really learned a lot  about her and about other people who have to deal with this as well. And like I said before Richard lived-in a world where there were a bunch of gangsters and she also had  to go through it. But she graduated from college and majored in education and ended up helping kids that aren't doing well in school. A little bit more about Ms. Wilson is that was born in East Oakland in, 1980s. I really do like her because she helps many teens who aren't doing well and are getting into fights or getting bad grades or just don't come to school. But something else is that she lets every single of her children call her mother except Richard she lets him call her auntie instead. Another interesting thing is that he asked her if he

week 3 Blog 3

Richard; part 2 What I think about Richard... When I was reading about Richard I thought that he was interesting and very quirky. He was one of those friends that would be loyal to them and make them laugh but wouldn't care if they got in trouble. I thought that he was very understanding and a good person. I could somewhat relate to him I kinda live in a bad neighborhood and I really want to move so bad but we cant cause we haven't completed the payment of the house yet. Around my neighborhood, there have been shootings, really bad car crashes, and many other incidents. But one main reason is that they broke into my house two times and robed a bunch of stuff from us the first time the police didn't believe us so they didn't give us any money but the second time they did I was in elementary when this happened. But what I really like about Richard is that he asked Kaprice for help because he wanted to do better and wanted to succeed. The daily life of Richard... I learned