
Showing posts from December, 2020

Spotify Playlist

Spotify Playlist... Hello, Beautiful people! For my project, I decided to do a Spotify playlist. It contains pop, "aesthetic music" pfff- I don't know what type of genre you would consider that..., anyways we have some slow songs, indie rock, and indie pop, and uh I think that's mostly it. I picked these songs cause I thought it will somewhat represent the book. Another thing.. you see I am not very active like I don't like to do stuff if that helps. I don't even have tick-tock. And I don't do what people do so yeah. I mostly like pop and some rock and other genres. I don't really like rap but I do like old school rap, R&B, hip-hop, and yeah. I hope you like my songs and listen to them... I hope you listen to the songs I pick when you are chilling! 1st song; In my Blood (Shawn Mendes)     Ok, so I am a fan of Shawn. Not to brag or anything I have been a fan for 8 years and I've gone to all of his concerts that he has performed here😃.   Anyways

My thought's

  My thoughts...      Sigh...I DID IT! This is my first time finishing a book on time! I really like the book I think that it gave a good message(There were many messages though) like don't criticized people, think first before you act, and know that everything that you decide to do will affect the people around you and you as well. Furthermore, I recommend The 57 Bus by Dashka Slater.      I like how they presented the book and the techniques they used like the messages, email, and the letters. They really thought everything through and did their research. Dashka Slater explained better than the news and articles which is very impressive. I liked how they introduced Richard and Sasha and the events. Especially the trial and fire.     Another thing that I liked Is that they talked about everybody's perspective his family, Sasha's family, their friends, and the community. It really did show that this was a big impact for the LGTBQ community and for Sasha because it sparked m

week 7 blog 7

 The 57 Bus... Side note: The order is kinda not correct sooo... read this then the other one hahaha... Leading up to trial...     My thoughts for Richards soon to trial I think through time Richard was feeling more and more depressed because he didn't have any hope. We've all been like that like when you try something and you keep failing and you start to feel helpless and not have any hope anymore but then there a tunnel beaming light at the end. I felt like the people who were convincing him to do it should have gone to trial with him since they were at fault as well. But hey at least he will get to learn his lesson by going to an adult prison and expect him to come out good. NO! If he were to go to a prison-like that he will end up really bad and wouldn't you want the person to learn what they did!!! P.S- This is Steven Universe it's a must-watch.  Oh and that's me learning Learning...     I didn't expect to learn from this book but there are a lot of laws

Final week blog 8

  The 57 Bus...     While reading I was noticing that the pages were getting less and lesser... I was impressed with myself because this is the first time I finished a book on time and I actually liked this book.            As I read more I was always thinking about Richard like what's gonna happen to him are they gonna give him life, 5 or 7 years of prison I was really nervous I don't know why though hahaha.     It was good to hear that Sasha was doing ok and they got back on their feet and graduated high school!!! I was really happy because it showed that even though they went through this they still did what they wanted to do and that was to graduate and go to college. Richards trial...     When I was reading the part when they were trying to decide if they were gonna charge him as an adult, sentence him for life, sentence him for 5 or 7 years??? This really affected Richards's family especially his mom. I really felt bad because that her Holy son and they're gonna